Sunday, February 12, 2017

Blog #2 - This week in class, we talked about our sociological imagination, or the societal factors that contribute to making up who we are. The things that I wrote about in my first blog post about what made me unique, were all a consequence of my sociological imagination. Not to say that I personally didn't have any say in what I like and dislike, its just that I grew to enjoy things like playing sports and community service because of the environment I grew up in. We also talked about sociological mindfulness. Sociological mindfulness is about self awareness and our understanding of how our actions impact those of others around us. For example, we've all had the experience of a very moody substitute teacher. In an ideal situation where every student in that class is sociologically mindful, we would all understand that the teacher might just be having a bad day, and we would do everything in our power to not make it worse (being rude towards the teacher). But because we are not always sociologically mindful, we tend to react in a way thats very self centered and beneficial to our personal interest. This leads us act harshly towards the sub. This is an instance of how sociological mindfulness can impact others. In class we watched a few clips, but the one that stood out the most in capturing the essence of the show was Freaks and Geeks. The biggest take away from the show was that we each have our own person "gigantic drum set". That drum set is a result of how our environment has helped to shape our views.

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